

An era?  A mindset?  Better, a season, at least for now.  For me.

A year and a half into the “R” word, I’ve (hired out) finished repainting the outside trim of our house, (hired out) a new roof installed, gotten two new jobs, upgraded media to Mac-land, done a funeral or two, done a couple of weddings, preached in various churches most of the first two months of this year, avoided traffic tickets those same months (history here), and taken naps usually when I wanted to.  Oh, and mentored a few friends in the hobby of model railroading.

I’m trying to discern seasons these days, maybe “seasonings,” meaning what month, quarter of the year, time of life am I now in, and what makes it “zesty.” 

More to the point of your interest, what season are you in?  Adding to your resume or adding a challenging new work?  Trying to pack as much as you can in a day, or learning a better pace of work, worship and play?  Trying to impress people or impact people?

I’ve already had a couple of sizeable heartaches in 2012, one wonderful surprise, and I am asking a few fresh questions.

Like, how can I use my best hours of the day (morning) to do my most creative work?

How can I invest money, rather than merely spend, save or give what I now have?  Invest to me doesn’t mean stocks, land or banks, but people…six grandchildren, a few men I meet with, a new ministry setting that will last a bit over two months.

So, what or where are your seasonings for this season in which you now walk?  Who are your teachers, mentors or coaches?

What do you sense God is up to in your “seasonings?”

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